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Showing posts from March, 2017

Social marketing – tackling some of UK’s toughest healthcare issues

The healthcare industry is facing some tough issues. With more people relying on the NHS to deliver professional health services on a daily basis, it has reached breaking point. The number of people using the UK’s health services is a key factor, funding and staffing are others, but the real question is, can social marketing principles be used to initiate and sustain preventive health change among groups and communities perceived to be at risk? One train of thought is that if the healthcare industry can get to grips with some of the underlying causes of many of the health issues it’s having to deal with, it stands a chance of survival. Robust health marketing strategies are required  Now more than ever, there is a need for healthcare providers, to deliver health marketing strategies that deal with society’s social, health and mental wellbeing issues. These strategies need to deliver cohesive, coordinated and effective behaviour change among groups of people and communit...

Can social marketing change lives?

We live in a society that has deep-rooted social and health-related problems. You don’t have to travel too far around the UK to see that our cities are crammed full of people with serious social, mental health and general medical issues. Many of these issues are self inflicted and exacerbated by bad habits such as smoking, drinking excessively and drug taking. But even things like littering and anti-social behaviour are real social issues that need to be tackled. We are a society that needs to change if we are all to enjoy a better quality of life. So what is social marketing and why are so many people talking about it? Many marketers say it’s an extremely effective way of targeting individuals and influencing behaviour change in different social groups, particularly those at risk in some way. When it comes to the marketing industry, there is a growing dossier of evidence supporting the fact that an experienced social marketing agency can target, create and deliver a high...