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Showing posts from June, 2017

Preventive healthcare – could this be the future?

Preventive healthcare is at the top of the NHS’s agenda There is a general consensus throughout the NHS that if it’s to move forward in future years, they have to find bold and imaginative ways of focusing on health prevention. The idea behind this is that they want to motivate people in specific health bands, or ‘at risk’ groups, to take full control of their health before it becomes problematic – for them and the healthcare system. Poor health habits and lifestyle have consequences down the line We live in a society struggling to cope. The pressures of everyday living and work have led to more people turning to drugs, drink, poor diet, and bad habits, all of which have health consequences further down the line. A lifestyle dominated by poor lifestyle choices, will eventually lead to health complications in later life, if these decisions are not challenged or influenced. The NHS believes that early intervention is key to solving health problems Highlighting health risks an...