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Showing posts from August, 2017

Behavioural change marketing – what is it capable of achieving?

What is behavioural change marketing? Businesses that specialise in this field use the latest behavioural change theories and research, to deliver insight-led campaigns and interventions to promote health and social wellbeing. That means they attempt to associate with an audience’s needs, to understand their thought processes and appreciate why they make the decisions they do, before any intervention or scheme is created. From detailed research focusing on complex behaviours and habits, to the implementation and review of large-scale social marketing schemes, behavioural change marketing is being adopted by different industries and is at work tackling some serious social, health and education issues. Don’t recommend a solution, before you understand the problem! For years marketing agencies have developed all singing and dancing campaigns that aim to sell, create awareness and promote different aspects of services and products. But behavioural marketing goes down a diffe...